My future job

It is very difficult to decide what job I would like to do in the future because the career in which I study offers many different jobs options and this is my first year of university, but I know that I entered this career because it has a relationship with the health area, so I would love to work in a hospital or a health center. This work could be described as an office job because there is a lot of paperwork and organization from the computer, it also takes place in the pharmacy of the health center and my favorite part is that it also works with people and their different cases, to help them with their treatments, medications and correct management of them. For this area, I understand that it isn't necessary to study a major but there is a course in 'Healthcare pharmacy management' in this same department, which I believe could help me improve my performance in this work environment. I haven't yet explored all the things that I will be able to do when I end the degree, but for a long time, I liked the idea of being able to work with people, although life takes many turns and perhaps what my work destination is.


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