A person I would like to meet

This post was very difficult for me because I was thinking a lot about a special person who I would like to meet, but my ideas stoped. Recently, I haven't been a fan of someone to tell that I would like to meet him or her, very different when I was a little girl and anyone famous I liked I would like to meet them. This time is different because I don't manage to find someone, but the characteristic of the person that I would like to meet is a musician, in especially the area of piano or singing because those are the areas that I like, or also a scientist in the area of biochemistry or pharmacy because those are areas which catch my attention or even an actor or director of a famous movie. Those are the types of persons that I would like to meet, but I have been a little far from those themes, for this, I think if one of these days I come back to those themes, easily I would find a person that I would like to meet. :) 


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