
My future job

It is very difficult to decide what job I would like to do in the future because the career in which I study offers many different jobs options and this is my first year of university, but I know that I entered this career because it has a relationship with the health area, so I would love to work in a hospital or a health center. This work could be described as an office job because there is a lot of paperwork and organization from the computer, it also takes place in the pharmacy of the health center and my favorite part is that it also works with people and their different cases, to help them with their treatments, medications and correct management of them. For this area, I understand that it isn't necessary to study a major but there is a course in 'Healthcare pharmacy management' in this same department, which I believe could help me improve my performance in this work environment. I haven't yet explored all the things that I will be able to do when I end the degr

A job I would like to do in the future


A person I would like to meet

This post was very difficult for me because I was thinking a lot about a special person who I would like to meet, but my ideas stoped. Recently, I haven't been a fan of someone to tell that I would like to meet him or her, very different when I was a little girl and anyone famous I liked I would like to meet them. This time is different because I don't manage to find someone, but the characteristic of the person that I would like to meet is a musician, in especially the area of piano or singing because those are the areas that I like, or also a scientist in the area of biochemistry or pharmacy because those are areas which catch my attention or even an actor or director of a famous movie. Those are the types of persons that I would like to meet, but I have been a little far from those themes, for this, I think if one of these days I come back to those themes, easily I would find a person that I would like to meet. :) 

My Favorite Cartoon

My favorite cartoon when I was little was Tom and Jerry, even when my little niece sees it I still get stuck on the TV. This series is about the failed attempts of a cat (Tom) who tries to catch a mouse (Jerry) who lives in the same house, among all these attempts a lot of chaos is formed, and as in most of the chapters Tom doesn't manage to trap Jerry. In the series no one talks, they just make sounds to laugh, scream, or express something. Usually, the characters that appear in the chapters are Tom and Jerry, but characters like Spike who is the dog that also lives in the house, Butch, a black cat who also tries to catch Jerry, and the owner who almost he is never seen in the house, rarely appear. Most of the episodes are inside the house in the different rooms and the back yard of the house, although there have been some chapters where they are outside the home, like when they got to the beach or the street, but they are the least. I liked both characters, although they are very

Video 1: my favourite subject at the school

Video 1

Songs and Memories

"Somewhere only we know" is a very special song to me, because it reminds me of my first years at the school (like 1rst or 2nd of primary school). I listened to that song in a  contemporary dancing workshop that was in my school, I remember that was on Friday afternoon and I went with my friends. That workshop taught me more than just dancing because until today I listen to various of the songs that my teacher played in the classes, like the songs of my favorite music group. "Somewhere only we know" by Keane was the final song in our presentation and when we back to school after vacations we knew that was our last presentation because the teacher went back to her country. Nowadays I listen to that song and I can remember all those memories.

A country I would like to visit

To tell the truth, I would like to visit some countries, but a country that I have ever liked since I was a little girl is Greece. Not only because it has beautiful landscapes, beaches, and tourist attractions like the Parthenon in Athens, but also I would like to visit the country with one of the most important history. One of the things that attract me to Greece is the mythology, the goddess, and their feats accompanied by a mythological being, because of this I would like to visit the city of Athens now that in this place is where happened the most important facts of this country. Finally, I would like to visit the islands of Greece because I have read that they are idyllic.