
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

A person I would like to meet

This post was very difficult for me because I was thinking a lot about a special person who I would like to meet, but my ideas stoped. Recently, I haven't been a fan of someone to tell that I would like to meet him or her, very different when I was a little girl and anyone famous I liked I would like to meet them. This time is different because I don't manage to find someone, but the characteristic of the person that I would like to meet is a musician, in especially the area of piano or singing because those are the areas that I like, or also a scientist in the area of biochemistry or pharmacy because those are areas which catch my attention or even an actor or director of a famous movie. Those are the types of persons that I would like to meet, but I have been a little far from those themes, for this, I think if one of these days I come back to those themes, easily I would find a person that I would like to meet. :) 

My Favorite Cartoon

My favorite cartoon when I was little was Tom and Jerry, even when my little niece sees it I still get stuck on the TV. This series is about the failed attempts of a cat (Tom) who tries to catch a mouse (Jerry) who lives in the same house, among all these attempts a lot of chaos is formed, and as in most of the chapters Tom doesn't manage to trap Jerry. In the series no one talks, they just make sounds to laugh, scream, or express something. Usually, the characters that appear in the chapters are Tom and Jerry, but characters like Spike who is the dog that also lives in the house, Butch, a black cat who also tries to catch Jerry, and the owner who almost he is never seen in the house, rarely appear. Most of the episodes are inside the house in the different rooms and the back yard of the house, although there have been some chapters where they are outside the home, like when they got to the beach or the street, but they are the least. I liked both characters, although they are very

Video 1: my favourite subject at the school

Video 1